Ah! No one else on the hill (especially no bullying teenage boys with their foul language). Of course, it was after dark, but, no problem! The city lights were reflecting between the cloud cover and the snow, so we could see just fine. We could even tell where Lily was. By the way, she does NOT like sledding down the hill.

And a view of the hill, looking up from the bottom, with our night-vision goggles... Those green lights are actually parking lot lights for the funeral home.

See that hump of snow? Someone made a jump for their snowboards, and Alice didn't see it in the dark. She flew over it and landed hard, but of course, she is putting on a great show of pain for the camera. Isn't sledding down a snow-packed hill ALL about pain of one kind or another, (sore tailbones, cold fingers, noses, cheeks, etc), but diminished by the rush you get?

We're so lucky to be able to walk home afterwards--not because there were no injuries, but because we live right by the hill! The dog also had a great time, running up and down the hill, staying away from anyone trying to catch her and give her a ride.
As we walked home the snow was up past her belly, so she had to bound between our footprints. When we got in, she was so encased in snow (her curly poodle hair does not release snow!) that we had to run water over her fur. I don't think she'll be going out to the hill again with us!
(Wow! Our pine tree out by the bird bath isn't so small anymore.)
Sorry, Kevin, that you weren't here! We miss you and hope everything is going well in Mexico!
Well you're definitely right about sledding being all about the rush despite the inevitable pain! Makes me slightly thinking about it--but only slightly!