is January, 2007, right? I didn't do a Rip Van Winkle and miss a year, did I? So, by my reckoning, it is almost two years before the Presidential election in Nov. 2008, and only 2 months since the political phone calls were mercifully stilled. But they're back...
A week ago, a phone call came from the organizing committee for Mitt Romney, asking if I wanted to attend a free luncheon and listen to the candidate. Ah, there are advantages to living in Iowa! (Since then, I've received a phone call from John McCain's campaign as well).
I've just returned from the lunch (a roll sandwich, potato chips and cookie--obviously they didn't want to sink too much money into the food). It was held at a sports grill. Several Church members also attended--I counted at least 15 there (from both wards), but I think the turnout far exceeded expectations. There had to be 200-300 people there. After eating the light lunch, we all crowded into the banquet room, and listened to a 20 minute speech and 20 minutes of questions/answers. I'm glad it wasn't longer, because it was standing-room-only, and I was standing. But it was something fun to do on a sunny January day!
While we were eating, two different reporters came at different times (one from ABC Radio, and the other from the AP) and asked us all sorts of questions. I guess I should say that I was with JoAnne Swindler and Sandra Wilson, with a 4th woman at our table that we didn't know. The reporters asked all kinds of questions, "Were we here to learn more about the candidate or were we committed to him?" "How did we feel about his position on abortion, considering some religious conservatives have called him a waffler on that topic?" "What qualities did we like about him?" "What issues were the most important to us?" And so on. One reporter had a notebook, and asked if he could quote me (taking my name and city of residence), and the other reporter had a microphone and recorder.
Did you know, it is so hard to think clearly once someone with a microphone in his hand asks you a question? But I think I did alright. At least they didn't laugh at my answers, and fortunately, I do know a few things about Mitt Romney and his positions. (Thanks, Aaron, for those articles!) All I know, I was
GLAD when the reporters moved on to other people.
What did I think of Mitt Romney? He certainly looks presidential. It is hard to make a complete judgment based on this public function. He spoke well, his delivery included good jokes and he seemed personable. He touched briefly on illegal immigration (wants a fence, more opportunity for legal immigration, no amnesty--but a legal way to be guest workers), No Child Left Behind (doesn't like the feds in on education, but does like the testing); the challenge of jihadists (he didn't use the term "war on terror", but wouldn't let Iran have a nuclear weapon, and had other ideas); didn't touch on the Iraqi war; and so on. I guess you have to be a political junkie to enjoy this.
So, we'll see how this election cycle goes. May the best one win!