We went out for a FHE activity. It was a cool, misty evening, but that didn't bother anyone. The light rain might have played a part in Dad falling off the ladder, or maybe it was that he was standing on the top step, shaking branches to get the top apples and lost his balance. He fell flat on his back and we all held our breath--was he hurt? No! At least not that he'd admit. (Justin, recognize the jacket?)
Elizabeth took the opportunity to indulge in a favorite sport--tree-climbing. She did get a few apples that way.
Alice spent much of her time following the farm cats into the neighboring field of corn. (And somehow, Elle got out of the tree and followed).
It didn't seem like we got very many apples, just a few buckets full. Well, three of those buckets were the 5-gallon variety, and as we began quartering apples and cooking them, it seemed liked they multiplied and multiplied.
Elizabeth helped with a bucket or so before the knife slipped and nicked a finger. She decided that was enough! So Alice took over and cut apples for about 6 hours. Sometimes she'd take turns on the strainer, but mostly she was the apple cutter (along with Dad).
Elle was great on the strainer. If you look carefully, you'll notice a host of bees on the screen door, hoping to be let in. In past years, we did the messy straining part out on the picnic table, but just didn't want to fight the bees this year.
And here you have 31 of the 45 quarts of applesauce we did. Towards the end, we got tired of doing applesauce and juiced apples to make 6 quarts of juice. The last batch in the water bath was finishing as I left to go to the General Relief Society Session at 6:45 pm. We began the day's adventure right after breakfast, and only paused long enough for some Papa John's pizza at lunchtime. Alice said, about 3 pm, "This is SO fun! I wish it would never end!" (I was beginning to feel that was going to come true!)
oh how I wish I could be there... but I'm sure eating the applesauce at Christmas will be a close second. I'm also interested in the fact that every bottle looks like a different shade of pink...those are some pretty "special" apples.
ReplyDeleteI remember this one time of getting apples from Mrs. Wilson's side yard, and I learned that if you got hit on the head by an apple that has been dropped from a brother ten feet up into a tree, it really feels you just got hit with a rock. Of course, it happened after I first tried it on that same brother, so I guess it was karma.
I should have put in the pictures of Bro. Shaw dodging the falling apples as Dad was shaking the tree. I think each of them got hit with more than one apple. And from past experience, I also know that it really hurts! That's why Newton understood about gravity--he was knocked out and had some direct inspiration. (just kidding)
ReplyDeleteAnd Deborah, the sauce IS colored differently, simply because I allowed the first big pot to burn a bit--not enough to give a bad flavor, but it is darker. I was more careful after that!
It makes me tired just looking at all you did--I remember all the work from past years! And I will say I don't think I've ever been hit on the head with an apple--but I think I can imagine how much it would hurt!
ReplyDeleteIt always amazes me how much work it takes to turn fruit and veggies into food storage.
ReplyDeleteThese pictures made me really miss autumn time. I want to put on a jacket and pull out a ladder to pick apples! And I certainly want to eat yummy homemade applesauce.
Man, I didn't realize until I saw those pictures of everyone bundled up that it's cold in other parts of the country. It hit 100 today here. And you know what? I don't miss that jacket at all. It looks good on you, Dad.