I've been meaning to show these for some time. I don't know about you, but keeping my earrings in a neat, accessible manner has been frustrating. Over the years I've tried different things. I've looked at earring-hanging items at the store, but they would only hold a few, and I've accumulated quite a collection. And then, some earrings are studs, some are hooks.
Then, Sharon W. gave me this crocheted earring holder for my birthday.
It's a bigger variation on the hanging ribbon I learned about from Deborah.

It works GREAT! Now my earrings are hanging up, instead of tangled together in a bowl.
And, I can satisfy my OCD and have colors together. But it only works for the hooks.

I have a lot more appreciation for those pieced quilts that you see!
And then, these two REALLY keep me busy! We had eye appts. this week and E. is now in soft contact lenses. The hard lenses were reshaping her eyes too much, and since she has stopped growing, her eye-sight has stabilized on its own. (The hard lenses helped stabilize during the growth period). A really interesting side effect of the soft lenses has been that her pupils now are not so large. A. has adjusted well to her braces, and goes again on Monday to get the bottom ones on.