With all the natural disasters this past year, our bishop contacted emergency personnel in our county to set up some training for ward members; training in all kinds of emergencies like tornadoes, lost children, and so on.
Our Young Women (and some others) got to volunteer one night to be victims in the graduation exercise--simulating a tornado disaster.
We were placed in different rooms around the church, with sheets of paper explaining what our injury was.
I hadn't thought about it before, but a lot of disaster searching is done by flashlight--no electricity available!
The search teams came around and used their new skills in locating, then categorizing victims according to the urgency of their wounds and transporting them to a triage location.
The search teams came around and used their new skills in locating, then categorizing victims according to the urgency of their wounds and transporting them to a triage location.
As each room was searched and cleared of victims, a taped X was put on the door.

Brother Rogers had a head wound. He played his part extremely well, looking rather dazed the whole time.
Winky Boody had a broken shoulder, but didn't seem to mind being carried by Joe Fagersten and Scott Frodsham (in their green CERT uniforms).
Another YW had neck injuries.

Another YW had neck injuries.
And now we know another use for those long tables at church! (As long as you have lots of duct tape.)
But one Young Woman was able to get the message out on what was really important.


But one Young Woman was able to get the message out on what was really important.

Send chocolate.