Instead of chocolates, I'm sending out some photos of what our first few days of December have been. 

Chipping away the ice from the weekend ice storm.
It was good that we had afternoon church, because all four of us spent nearly two hours getting the driveway and front sidewalks free of most of the ice. I spent an hour yesterday working on the deck. Since we don't have any ice skates, it was a bit hazardous. One family on the street built a circular igloo (or in my childhood, we would have called it a fort, since it didn't have a roof) with all the chunks of ice from their driveway. School began 2 hours late yesterday morning with the leftover ice, and it is supposed to snow/rain/etc, again tomorrow. I'm getting tired of ice...

Last night, Alice took part in her school's 5th & 6th grade musical. (Alice is wearing the blue hat on the second row). She also had a small solo on one number. It was fun to watch!