All Dad had to say was," smile Brenna," and we got this great picture!!!! It was so fun having having Catherine and her family over for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
Then, a couple of weeks ago, we had a summer day--it was 70 degrees, rainy, humid. Then the clouds moved away, followed by blue sky. I've always been amazed at how it does this in Iowa--no gradual diminishing of clouds, just an abrupt changeover.
Deborah's group, "Brushfire" took first place in the large group division at the folk ensemble contest held in Provo last Saturday. Groups from all over Utah took place and in placing first, the group won $500. Although the crowd and the judges liked all their selections, the wild favorite was "Oh, Susannah! Around the World". Based on the old folk tune, the group arranged it to reflect different cultures, such as from Russia, China, Ireland, and Jamaica (reggae!). This grew out of the group's fatigue in playing "Oh, Susannah" this summer in Europe at every single venue with the Folk Dancers. During practice they began playing around with it so it became more fun to play.
Deborah also was part of a small group (3 people) at the folk music contest. They made it to the finals and eventually took 3rd place, which also had a monetary prize. So it was a very profitable day! (Not if you're worried about homework...)
On Nov. 10th, a Celtic folk group called FiddleSticks will release a new CD. This is a family group, and the daughter who is the fiddler on the CD is now on a mission. Our Deborah is the replacement fiddler and has been performing with FiddleSticks this fall. They will have a performance at the release of the CD at the Noni auditorium in Provo.
Is Deborah busy with music? Yes, and that's not all! Last Thursday, the 26th, she traveled with Mark Geslison and another guy to Roosevelt, Utah, and performed at an elementary school on an Indian reservation. Mark is the head of all the folk ensembles at BYU.
So, is that all? No, Deborah is part of one more group, but in this one she doesn't play the fiddle, she plays the guitar! "Not quite ready for public performance" could be one way to describe them, but they practice together a couple hours a week.
Is Deborah going to school??? We think so.
Sister Bailey --the evil church janitor. Better keep your kids under control, folks!
Perhaps Justin will recognize his lab coat. I said hello to all my little nursery kids, and not one of them recognized me. Even when their moms would say, "Look, it's your teacher!" they would look at me like somebody was not telling the truth. Finally, I whipped off the wig, and then a big smile would appear. NOW I was their teacher!
Elizabeth and Alice, our princesses!
Fortunately, the dress turned out well. Now Elizabeth wants one just like it. The skirt is a full circle (took 2 hours to hem by hand!). It reminds me of a dress Ginger Rodgers would dance in with Fred Astaire--all flowing and full. Gosh, now I want one too!
We have been thoroughly enjoying having green drink back on the menu these past few days! I missed it, but never knew how much until I took my first sips of a new batch. Wow! I love that stuff! Elizabeth and Alice have been drinking tall glasses of it as well--in multiples.
You know, having the recent "difficulties" in the spinach supply makes me think I should be more serious about planting my own. I could even plant it 2 or 3 times in succession, so I had fresh baby spinach all summer long. It seemed so sad that in August and September, the best harvest months for a summer garden, that I had NO spinach! I have been getting too dependent on the easy greens from the grocery store! Maybe this is a reason the prophet said we should be planting gardens... Not because food wouldn't be available, but because we couldn't depend on it (or it might actually make us sick?)
Bailey Contest Log: 2 contests
Jamie Bailey- $20
Justin Bailey- $15
I'm going to a friend's house on Halloween. I hope that it will be really fun. On comments I want to see funny stories of Halloween. I can't wait to read them .
Seeya A.B.(Alice Bailey)
Here's a mystery for Foyle to solve--how to get the cucumber out of its prison...
One mystery we did solve--I purchased some locally-grown apples at the grocery store, "Harla Red" is the variety. They looked like the kind we made applesauce from, and when I got home we did the taste test. Yup! They are the ones! So if you ever want to plant an apple tree, that would be a good variety to plant.